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首页 > 供应产品 > 夏季母猪饲养管理技术要点
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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 2013-11-20 [已过期]
最后更新: 2011-09-23 09:24

接生 备齐各种工具(接生布、保温灯、碘伏、消毒线、剪刀、剪牙钳、保健药物等),用 0.1%高锰酸钾溶液清洗母猪乳房,对产床进行消毒,最后清洗母猪会阴部。当子猪分娩后,先把口鼻内的黏液清理干净,再把全身擦拭干净,然后在离脐部2厘米~3厘米处结扎脐带,离结扎处l厘米剪断脐带,擦碘伏彻底消毒;剪牙要剪成平齿,不伤及牙龈,防止细菌感染;灌服口服药物如庆大霉素、乳酸环丙沙星等抗生素2毫升,预防子猪腹泻;给子猪奶时首先挤掉第1滴奶水,了解母猪的有效乳头数,让子猪及时吃上初乳。
  1、寄养 寄养目的是为了提高子猪成活率和整齐度。选择奶水好、母性好的母猪进行寄养,寄养后随时观察子猪生长状况,对弱小仔猪进行并窝,提高其成活率。
  2、断尾 在产后l天~3天进行。断尾长度要求公猪至睾丸中间,母猪到阴户下端,断尾钳要达到一定的温度,防止断尾后出血。
  3、去势 去势一般在7日龄进行。去势前一天舍内带猪消毒,要求猪舍卫生、干燥、清洁,去势要干净彻底,对有腹股沟阴囊疝和腹泻的子猪不去势;术后刀口要彻底消毒;室内温度要恒定,特别是舍内要干净整洁,避免因刀口感染而造成死亡。
更多详细信息请登陆:http://www.btmxyz.com  泊头市牧兴养猪设备厂


Prepare all kinds of tools delivery (birth cloth, heat preservation lamp, iodine v, disinfection line, scissors, cutting teeth clamp, health care drugs etc), with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution to ChanChuang breast, cleaning the sow disinfected, finally cleaning perineum sows. When ZiZhu after delivery, the nasal mucus saliva to clean up, and put the whole body, then wipe clean from the umbilical plexus 2 cm ~ 3 cm ligation umbilical cord, from ligation l-shaped cm cut umbilical cord, wipe iodine v disinfection; Cut cut teeth to cut teeth and gums, don't hurt, prevent bacteria infections; Take oral drugs such as irrigation gentamycin, lactic acid ring c sand magnitude antibiotics 2 ml, prevent ZiZhu diarrhea; When milk ZiZhu to squeeze out the first 1 drop, understand the sow milk effective number, let ZiZhu nipple timely eat colostrums. After the birth of the nursing 1, foster foster aims to improve the survival rate and ZiZhu uniformity. Choose good milk and maternal good sows in foster care, foster care at any time after ZiZhu observation growth, and weak and piglets to nest, to increase its survival rate. 2, broken tail in postpartum l days to three days. Broken tail length required to sow among testicles, hog to lower broken tail clamp, pussy to reach a certain temperature, prevent bleeding after the break. 3, castration castration general in the 7 day age. The day before castration up inside take pig disinfection requirements, health, crates dry, clean, to clean thoroughly, castration of inguinoscrotal hernia and diarrhea ZiZhu not castration; Postoperative incision to thorough disinfection; Indoor temperature to a constant, especially in the clean and tidy up, avoid the wound infection and cause death. More detailed information please visit: http://www.btmxyz.com botou animal husbandry and pig farm equipment factory

ChanChuang sows, pig conservation bed, pig farm equipment factory